- Issues, concerns, policies, programmes, conventions, treaties and missions aimed at environment protection, and dealing with the problem of climate change.
- State of environment reports. Environment protection and pollution control Act and rules.
- Environment Impact Assessment.
- National Action plans on Climate Change.
- Himalayan ecology, biosphere reserve, Science and economics of climate change.
- Social and ethical issues in use of Biotechnology.
Books for Sub
- Latest developments in science and technology for harnessing agriculture, horticulture, medicinal and herbal resources in the country
- National mission for sustainable agriculture, mission for integrated development of horticulture
- Concept of organic farming, seed certification, rain water harvesting, techniques of irrigation and soil conservations and soil health cards.
Books for Sub
- Tourism policy, potential and initiative in Himachal Pradesh
- Types of tourism: religious, adventure, heritage, Important tourist destinations in Himachal Pradesh
- Social, Economic and Cultural implications of Tourism
- Concept of Eco-Tourism and green tourism and their role in sustainable development of the State
- Environmental concerns of tourism industry, both positive and negative effects including climate change with reference to Himachal Pradesh
Books for Sub
- Jag Mohan Balokhra
- Mian Goverdhan Singh or Dr. Rajender Attri
- Know YourState - Himachal Pradesh
- Economic Survey of HP 2016-17
Note:— All
the topics / subjects covered under SUB UNIT-3 are relevant to the State of
Himachal Pradesh.

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